Pretty Lou’s Entrepreneur Pick Of the Week: Casey’s Empire

Maya Angelou once said “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. Cassandra Del Valle also known to much of the world as just Casey was born and raised in the world famous Brooklyn, New York. Growing up in Brooklyn Casey at a young age took an interest to the culture of Hip-Hop. Everything in the Hip-Hop culture from music, fashion, radio, television, and talent Casey was always drawn to and found herself involved in. Casey attended Morris Brown College in Atlanta which opened up opportunities for her to use her talents for networking and development.
After college Casey returned to New York and found herself helping friends who were Hip-Hop artist develop their craft, images, and build incredibly strong brands. After quite a few projects and campaigns Casey made a decision to make her talents into a career. Casey then created and founded her own artist development firm called Casey’s Empire. To help keep her eyes on the hottest potential in Hip-Hop Casey established a showcase called “THE COME UP” which has now developed into a popular Web Series on
Through these ventures Casey has developed resources and partnerships with WWPR Radio, WQHT Radio, URL, BET, Gamehawk, Ciroc, Shopper World, numerous Hip-Hop insiders and organizations. Casey has also found time to give back to her community along with Shopper World by developing a showcase for young talent from 5-17 years old where children can have an outlet to do positive things as well as craft what ever talents they may have.
Even her own daughter whom is following in her mother’s footsteps is involved by being the showcase host. Through this showcase many children receive school items and gifts by just participating which helps them all feel special and which is one of many ways Casey helps give to the one place that gives her the most love and support. Today Casey is a growing entrepreneur with a growing enterprise. She is currently managing a young new r&b talent by the name of Lexialon whom is sought out to be the new princess of r&b. With the momentum that Casey is having in her career she is headed to places reached and places never seen.
People may forget all the things Casey has ever said. They may also may forget all she’s done but the one thing about Casey’s legacy that can’t and won’t be forgotten is she made everyone feel like and in some cases actually become a star!!!!!
Follow her on Twitter & IG : @Caseysempire
Email her for any business inquires : [email protected]
Posted by : Mista Bless Also Follow me on Twitter @mistabless for more updates