Jay Electronica Brings Out Jay Z, Talib Kweli, J. Cole & Mac Miller At Brooklyn Hip-Hop Fest 2014

The Brooklyn Hip-Hop festival 2014 returned this afternoon for their 10th anniversary and headlining the show were Raekwon and Jay Electronica.
Jay Elect had plenty of surprises lined up for the crowd as he brought out Talib Kweli, J. Cole and Mac Miller early in his set. And then came his label boss and friend Jay Z who rocked out to ‘Young Gifted & Black’, ‘We Made It’, ‘Shiny Suit Theory’ and ‘Public Service Announcement’ to send the crowd in a frenzy. Watch some footage below.
UPDATE: Official, high quality footage added.
Jay Z and Jay Electronica Rock "PSA" and "Shiny… by BKHipHopFestival
Jay Electronica And Talib Kweli Perform Just… by BKHipHopFestival
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