Slowbucks Speaks About Summer Jam Incident On The Breakfast Club

For the first time since the widely talked about incident that took place at this year’s Summer Jam Festival, Slowbucks sits down for an interview with none other than The Breakfast Club.
Slow talks to Envy, Charlamagne and Angela about the chain snatching incident and everything surrounding it. Defending himself in a strong way, Slow claims he’s still the same guy and that he’s not a snitch for launching an investigation against 50′s camp. And he also said that the picture Slow posted with 50′s son wasn’t the root of their issues — in fact, he doesn’t really know where it stemmed from.
Slow says, “If somebody can show me papers that I snitched on him. Or you having to go pay lawyers or you having to go to jail -I’ll sign my company over to you. I give you all my jewelry.” Interesting.
Whatever you believe, it’s important to hear both sides of the story, so hit the jump and listen to Slow’s first interview since the incident and give us your thoughts.
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